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Bentley Motors Limited


2.9B GBP21.43%

Net Assets

114.4M GBP120.08%

Type of accounts

Full accounts

Bentley Motors Limited
Company number
Company type
Private limited with share capital
Incorporation date
28 Oct 1970
Latest confirmation statement
27 May 2024
Latest accounts
31 Dec 2022
Type of accounts
Full Accounts
Legal Entity Identifier
529900XV3G9LB0F1P877 Source
Next confirmation statement due
10 Jun 2025
Next annual accounts due
30 Sep 2024
SIC 2003
341 — Manufacture Of Motor Vehicles
SIC 2007
29100 — Manufacture Of Motor Vehicles
Related names
Bentley Cars, Bentley Falcon, Bentley Collection


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Registered Names

12 Sep 2002PresentBentley Motors Limited
23 Jul 199912 Sep 2002Rolls-Royce & Bentley Motor Cars Limited
26 Sep 198623 Jul 1999Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited
28 Oct 197026 Sep 1986Rolls-Royce Motors Limited


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